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Funny Girl Pushes Trainer Away From Boyfriend Gym

Everybody loves jokes, and if you're on this site you also love getting a good workout. In that spirit, we've rounded up our favorite fitness jokes. A bit of laughter can be a great motivator, especially when you're trying to force yourself to get in that one last rep. Jokes are fun to share, too, one of the main reasons we decided to share this set with you!

We all know it's hard to keep up a fitness routine, stay healthy, and lose weight. Sometimes being able to laugh at it can make all of that a little bit easier. And if nothing else, at least smiling helps you work those muscles in your cheeks!

You may even want to tell a few of these when you are at the gym, so you can get others smiling and laughing. After all, laughing can burn calories too!

Whether you're looking for gym jokes, bodybuilder jokes, or a perfect weightlifting joke, we've got you covered! You might have heard some of these before but we hope you'll learn a few new ones to add to your workout joke roster. Hopefully even the ones that are familiar put a smile on your face.

Gym Puns

  1. Why did the Uber driver cancel his gym membership? Because he didn't even Lyft, bro.
  2. What was the stylist's favorite exercise? Curls.
  3. Did you hear about the banana gymnast? She was great at splits!
  4. Why did the seafood chef stop going to the gym? He pulled a mussel.
  5. Why did the cheeseburger get a gym membership? He wanted bigger buns.
  6. If you run in front of a car you might get tired, but if you run behind a car you'll get exhausted!
  7. Why don't you see many haunted gyms? Because everyone inside is exorcising.
  8. 8. Why did the rooster keep going to the gym? He was working on his pecks!

Really Funny Gym Jokes

Funny gym quotes

  1. How do you find the gym at Hogwarts? Look for the dumbbell door.
  2. There's a great new machine at my gym. I felt sick after I'd used it for an hour, but it's got everything: Doritos, Snickers, Mountain Dew…
  3. What do you call someone who's really into stationary biking? A cyclepath.
  4. Why was the burglar popular at his gym? Because he always did a great job wiping down his equipment.
  5. I joined a gym 6 months ago and still haven't lost a pound. Tomorrow, I'm heading down there in person to find out what's going on.
  6. A man moved into a new apartment and was telling his work-out buddy about it in the locker room. The buddy asked, "Is there a gym in the building?"

"I don't know," the man answered. "I haven't met everybody yet."

Fitness Jokes

  1. Why did the cheese go to the gym? It wanted to cheddar couple of pounds.
  2. An overweight blonde went to the doctor and asked how she could lose weight. The doctor said, "Skip one meal every day and you'll lose at least 5 pounds in the next month."The blonde took his advice, and the doctor was shocked to find she'd lost 20 pounds. He said, "You're doing great! How do you feel?"

"My muscles are aching!" the blonde said.

The doctor asked, "From eating less?"

"No," she said, "From all the skipping!"

  1. Have you heard about that new gym that sends trainers to your door unannounced? It's called Jehovah's Fitness.
  2. Why is it a good idea to do your workout in the morning? Because you can get it in before your brain wakes up and realizes what it's doing!
  3. Sit-ups are the best type of exercise for lazy people. You get to lay down between each one!
  4. Did you hear about the marathon runners who got married? It started out as a long-distance relationship.
  5. I asked my girlfriend to meet me at the gym but she never showed. I guess it just wasn't working out.

Workout Jokes

Funny gym exercise puns

  1. Yesterday at the gym I heard someone trying to convince a bodybuilder that yoga is a workout. He thought it was a bit of a stretch.
  2. Why did Charles Darwin start working out? He believed in the survival of the fittest.
  3. I workout religiously. About once or twice around the holidays.
  4. I always start my gym sessions with 20 minutes of stretching, pulling, and bending. Then I've finally got my gym clothes on and I can start my workout.
  5. How did the brontosaurus feel after his workout? Dino-sore.
  6. A British man made a New Year's resolution to lose some weight, so the next day he signed up for a gym membership. He never went once, but he still lost £
  7. I've found running is a great way to meet new people. Unfortunately, they're normally paramedics.

Treadmill Jokes

  1. Last time I went to the gym I hopped on the treadmill, but people were looking at me funny so I decided to run instead.
  2. What happened to the man who contemplated his future on the treadmill? He realized he was going nowhere fast.
  3. What is Cardi B called when she's running on the treadmill? Cardi O.

Weightlifting Jokes

Jokes quotes about gym exercises

  1. Why did the depressed man start doing bench presses? He had some things he needed to get off his chest.
  2. I've been lifting weights for a week and I already dropped 25 pounds. Unfortunately it landed on my big toe and broke it. Guess I can't go back to the gym until it's healed!
  3. Did you hear about the guy weightlifting on Wall Street? He was hoping to get some capital gains.
  4. Why didn't the weightlifter have to pay rent? He was squatting.

Muscle Jokes

  1. Which cereal puts in the most time at the gym? Shredded Wheat.
  2. Why is the heart the strongest muscle in the body? Because it's always pumping iron.
  3. Why didn't the physical therapist want to talk about his muscle fatigue course? It was a sore subject.
  4. What's a pig's strongest muscle? The hamstring.
  5. What do you call someone who's attracted to anyone with big muscles? A bicep-ual.

Bodybuilder Jokes

  1. How does a bodybuilder work on their cardio? They lift weights faster.
  2. Did you hear about the bodybuilding priests? They've got great muscle mass.
  3. A bodybuilder once died of a protein overdose. He'd taken whey too much.
  4. Why did the bodybuilder read the dictionary? He was trying to learn how to define muscle.

Personal Trainer Jokes

  1. A personal trainer brought a bear into the gym. His clients really got shredded.
  2. A woman asked her personal trainer if he could help her learn to do the splits. "Maybe," the trainer answered. "How flexible are you?"

The woman said, "Well I can't do Tuesdays and Thursdays."

  1. A man got hired as a personal trainer, but when he realized he wasn't qualified he had to put in his too weak notice.
  2. A wealthy man in his sixties walks into a gym and asks the personal trainer, "What machine should I use if I want to impress a 25 year-old woman?" The trainer looks him up and down and answers, "I'd recommend the ATM."
  3. Why couldn't the man trust his personal trainer? He was always pulling his leg.

Leg Day Jokes

  1. I don't hate leg day. It's the two days after I can't stand.
  2. Why don't cows skip leg day? Because they care about their calves.
  3. Leg day is important if you want to get a step up in life.
  4. Why did the bodybuilder cross the road? He didn't. Yesterday was leg day.

Abs Jokes

Puns about abs

  1. An instructor was walking around a gym and saw a man doing crunches while holding a cat. "What are you doing?" the instructor asked him. The man said, "I'm trying to get purrfect abs!"
  2. Of course I have a 6 pack! It's so great I'm using this beer belly to protect it.
  3. I had to fire my personal trainer. I was tired of all the ab use.
  4. What's it called when you refuse to do core workouts? Ab-stinence.
  5. I've been going to the gym for five years now and I still don't have abs. It sucks being the cleaner.

Going to the gym isn't just about staying healthy. Lots of people also use it as a place to socialize and meet like-minded people. Moreover, even though it isn't meant to be a fun time when you go to the gym, this doesn't mean that you can't enjoy yourself a little bit, especially when you are enjoying these jokes.

Or, you can use these fitness jokes as an ice-breaker the next time you want to strike up a conversation at your gym. If nothing else, we hope at least a few of them made you chuckle.

Let us know in the comments which jokes were your favorites (and if there were any that made you groan)! Be sure to check out our other pages of jokes as well, which will hopefully be able to keep you laughing.

Ready for more laughs? Fear not. We got 'em.

  • 75 Funny Frog Puns (That Will Have You Leaping With Laughter!)
  • The 55 Most Hilarious Horse Jokes You Will Ever Hear!

Jessica Simms

Jess Simms earned her MFA in creative writing in 2012, launching her career as a professional writer. Her articles on topics in the health & fitness niche are informed by her experience working in the food industry, which sparked her enduring interest in science-based nutrition and wellness.


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